Local website works like a bridge form the corporate to the local business environment. For many the easiest way to maintain it is to use electronic translation. But it is the dead end for numerous creative and informative texts. And the only excuse for it – you don’t perceive this market in the long-term perspective. Here are some major rules that will attract the audience and encourage it to come back:
- Not all global products and services may be available on the local market, so check carefully the content of the site before launch.
- Speak the same language with the customer. Phrasal verbs, tacit rules and regular grammar require profound knowledge but not “google translate”.
- Update news regularly, so customers will want to come back and learn more. News from a global company must be diluted with local content that will reflect the real situation on the market and current company news.
- Keep in mind specific nature of the market and local mentality. That is good for Russian doesn’t work somewhere else.
- Promote your website through local social networks and online media; create as many points of contact with the customer as possible.
- Don’t hesitate to engage professionals. They can clean up your website and recommend some promotion tools.
And the last but not least – think about the feedback. Local website is a sales tool and your customer definitely needs an option to contact you!